After you graduate from your program of studies, you may be able to work temporarily or even live permanently in Canada. To work in Canada after you graduate, you need a work permit. The work experience you gain while working may help you qualify for permanent residence.



1. About The Process

You may be eligible for a PGWP if you graduated from a designated learning institution (DLI) and want to stay in Canada temporarily to work.

1. 毕业工签



2. Who Can Apply?

You can apply for a PGWP if: your study permit is still valid or have a valid visitor record、maintained full-time status as a student、completed a study program that was at least 8 months long.

2. 谁可以申请?

持有有效学签或VR(Visit Record)、全日制学生、毕业于DLI资质院校、学习的课程是8个月以上。


3. Get The Right Documents

An official letter from your school that confirms you’ve completed your study program、An official transcript




4. How To Apply?

You have up to 180 days to apply for a PGWP. You can apply for a PGWP from inside Canada or overseas, as long as you’re eligible.

4. 如何申请?



5. After You Apply

You can work full-time until we make a decision on your work permit application.

5. 申请后工作须知



6. Travelling Outside Of Canada

If you need a valid visitor visa or eTA to enter Canada by plane, we’ll issue you one when we approve your post-graduation work permit application.

6. 返回加拿大

如果想离开或者返回加拿大,需要在毕业工签获批后申请临时居民签证(visitor visa or eTA),便于往返于加拿大。


About Post-Graduation Work Permit


You may be eligible for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) if you graduated from a designated learning institution(DLI) and want to stay in Canada temporarily to work.

You have 180 days after you get your final marks to apply for a PGWP.



Relevant Information


  • 指纹费:$85加币
  • 学习许可签证费(Study Permit):$150加币
  • SDS学生直录计划签证费(SDS): $150加币
  • 学生签证费(Student Visa): $100加币
  • 学习许可续签费(Study Permit Extension): $150加币
  • 身份恢复签证费(Restore Your Status) : $350加币
  • 毕业工签签证费(PGWP): $255加币